2023 at Westfield Washington Public Library – a Year in Photos

2023 was a busy year here at Westfield Washington Public Library!

Sit back and take a look at all we did in 2023.

2023 at WWPL – A Year in Photos

We enjoyed hosting a wide variety of programs and special events for our patrons and community. We completed very successful winter and summer reading programs, expanded our outreach programs, hosted educational programs, competitive game and puzzle programs, homeschool classes and special events, live animal shows, book groups, STEAM programs, crafting programs, story time programs (with multiple special guests and puppets), educational seminars, musical performances, dance performances, and much, much more. And meanwhile, construction and progress continues on our new library building. We also checked out a lot of library materials to our patrons, of course!

We are grateful for the continued support from the Westfield Library Foundation, the Friends of the Westfield Library, and the numerous community groups and businesses whose generous contributions made many of our programs and special purchases possible. We appreciate their financial support, as well as the support of our dedicated library volunteers. Our hardworking staff has also done so much this year to keep things running smoothly, to plan creatively, and to always put the public first. We are very lucky to have such a dedicated group of employees and volunteers. We also greatly appreciate our Library Board members and all the hours that they’ve spent in service and dedication to the Westfield Washington Public Library. It was an amazing year, and we couldn’t have done it without you!

We look forward to 2024, and want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year!