Unlock the full power of your library card

Gone are the days of libraries only having print materials. With WWPL databases and resources, you can research your family tree, get tutoring help, find a job coach, learn a foreign language and so much more.

All Resources A-Z

Accelerated Reader


Accelerated Reader puts students in the driver’s seat. You guide students, while engaging quizzes and activities help hone students’ reading skills with authentic practice—encouraging growth.

Affordable Housing Online


Affordable Housing Online has assisted millions of renters to find housing assistance with the most complete and up-to-date data on affordable rental housing for low-income Americans. This is a free service for anyone looking for housing and may be especially helpful for those who participate in the Housing Choice Voucher program.

Ancestry Library Edition


Ancestry Library Edition delivers billions of records in census data, vital records, directories, photos, and more from countries all over the world. Learn how to use this resource here *This resource is only accessible inside the library.

Arbor Day Tree Guide


The Arbor Day Tree Guide offers detailed information on dozens of commonly planted landscape trees that grow throughout the United States. Here you will find information on height and spread, soil and sun requirements, leaves and fruit, history, wildlife habitat, and more. There is also an interactive guide that can help you answer the question, “What Tree is That?”

Candid - Foundation Directory Professional


Candid is a nonprofit that helps other nonprofits serve their communities. Nonprofits and individuals seeking funding, scholarships, or fellowships can access Foundation Directory to find and connect with funders. *This resource is only accessible inside the library.

Candid - Guidestar


Candid is a nonprofit that helps other nonprofits serve their communities. You can access GuideStar, Candid’s most comprehensive source of nonprofit information, to research local nonprofits to support and to find services. *This resource is only accessible inside the library.

Chilton Automotive Library


Access repair, maintenance and service information on the most popular cars, trucks, vans and SUVs on the road today. This continuously updated resource provides step-by-step repair procedures, troubleshooting guides, diagnostic trouble codes, photos, illustrations, diagrams, and multimedia (videos and animations). Learn how to use this resource here.

Driver Education


This Driver Education program contains the following state-specific information: 10 car practice tests, 6 motorcycle practice tests, 3 CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) practice tests, 3 online driver’s manuals (car, motorcycle, CDL), An FAQ section with detailed answers to 100+ DMV-related questions *Automatically updated as new practice tests become available. Visit ePermitTest.com for interactive driver’s education and practice tests. All of the practice tests are specific to Indiana, supplemented with study aids, and detailed explanations that come up whenever a student makes a mistake.



We are partnering with Ed2Go to bring you instructor led online classes in a variety of subjects each for only $99 and a portion of your fee will benefit the library. Check out their course catalog for a list of available classes. Clicking on a specific class will provide you with a course description, an instructor profile and a syllabus. Get started today!

Evergreen Indiana Catalog


Evergreen Indiana is a growing consortium of more than 100 libraries located throughout Indiana. Patrons of member libraries can use their Evergreen Indiana library card to view the catalogs and borrow materials from the other member libraries. Start here to find materials in multiple languages and formats, manage your account, and more!

Gale Legal Forms


Create accurate, reliable legal documents with no hassle. Includes official State of Indiana approved forms, many of which are available in Word and Adobe format so you just need to simply “fill in the blanks.”

Hoopla Digital


Hoopla is new digital media service through which you may access and enjoy over half a million titles, from six different formats: Movies, TV, Music Albums, eAudiobooks, eBooks, and Comics/Graphic Novels. It is easy to use and provides you instant access to any titles you want. As a library cardholder, you may borrow up to 5 titles per month. To register for and enjoy hoopla digital free with your library card, please download the hoopla digital app from your Apple or Google Play store on your mobile device or click the link above. Learn how to use this resource here.

Hoosier State Chronicles


Hoosier State Chronicles provides free, online access to high quality digital images of Indiana’s historic newspapers.

Indiana Archives Digital Records Index


The Indiana Archives and Records Administration provides access to Indiana’s cultural heritage, military records, and other helpful genealogy records.

Indiana Career Explorer


Indiana Career Explorer is a career planning system for all Hoosiers, from grade school to retirement. Sign in to explore jobs in demand, assess your skills, and develop a plan to get the education and training you need to begin planning for your future today. Home Schooled Students: When creating account, type “Home school” into the “Site, Center or Organization” field, and choose the “Home School Students” option from the drop-down menu that appears.

Indiana Digital Library / Libby


Log in to Indiana Digital Library with your library card and password to access downloadable eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines. You may borrow up to 10 items at a time with no limit to how many you can borrow each month. Learn how to use this resource here.  

Indiana Legacy Database


Indiana Legacy combines existing Indiana State Library databases with the Vital INformation Exchange (VINE), a collaborative statewide database composed of Indiana local history and vital records from Indiana libraries, historical societies, genealogy societies, and related organizations. It is designed to allow participants and users to obtain access to Indiana local history and vital records through a single search or by browsing what is available. The database is searchable by county, event, or through a general surname search of all records. These records are available to the public at no charge and include a host of records such as: birth, marriage, death, divorce, obituaries, court records, newspapers, scrapbooks, yearbooks, military records, and many other record types.

Indiana Legal Help


Indiana Legal Help (ILH), created in 2018 by the Indiana Bar Foundation, is a hub for self-help resources and information. Their goal is to help Hoosiers connect with free and low-cost legal aid for non-criminal issues including family law, housing, and healthcare using hundreds of plain language forms, videos, and guides.

Indiana Self-Service Legal Center


Indiana Judicial Branch Self-Service Legal Center was created to provide valuable information, court forms, and various resources for people who represent themselves in court. It should be noted, however, that self-representation should not be taken lightly, and that there are many instances in which hiring an attorney is a good idea. In fact, we suggest that even if you use the forms provided on this site, you still talk with an attorney prior to submitting them to a court.

Indiana Share Inter-Library Loan

Please contact librarian@wwpl.lib.in.us for more information or to request materials that are unavailable via the Evergreen Indiana catalog.



INSPIRE, the Indiana Virtual Library, offers electronic magazines, encyclopedias, and other resources to all Indiana residents for your information needs. Research current events, science, business, health, notable people, hobbies, and much more from your library, school, home or office.

Learn More Indiana


Learn More Indiana helps Hoosiers access college and higher education resources in the state of Indiana by connecting students, families, and educators to college resources and information, financial aid, and the 21st Century Scholarship.



MedlinePlus is a website created for consumers by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the National Institute of Health (NIH). It is a free health information website that doctors recommend and has resources in both English and Spanish.

Merck Manuals


The Merck Manuals are one of the world’s most widely used medical information resources. The Manuals have committed to making the best current medical information accessible by up to 3 billion health care professionals and patients on every continent by 2020. With the ever-important role of animals in our society and the growth of veterinary medicine, Merck extended its commitment of providing medical information to all those involved in animal health and well-being with publication of The Merck Veterinary Manual (MVM).

Open Library


Open Library is an ever-growing virtual catalog with individual webpages for millions of books. It contains a collection of over 1,000,000 free eBooks as well as an eBook lending program for registered users.



PebbleGo is an award winning pre-K to grade 3 database for reading and research and includes built-in reading and research tools for emerging readers. Leveled text, educational games, and multimedia help teach concepts to our youngest readers. PebbleGo databases make learning and improving reading and research skills fun, building on children’s interest. PebbleGo offers four separate databases: PebbleGo Animals and PebbleGo Science, PebbleGo Biographies and PebbleGo Social Studies. Databases are simple to navigate and offer key reading supports such as read-along audio and word-by-word highlighting. To log in, use the username: westfieldpl and the password: library.

PebbleGo Next


PebbleGo Next is the next step, and it is a database for researchers ready to graduate to more robust database content appropriate for grades 3-6, with curriculum content at a reading level geared to those students. Modules include States (grouped by regions), Science (Earth Science, Life Science, Physical Science, and The Field of Science), and American Indians (multiple categories). To log in, use the username: westfieldpl / password: library.

Reference Solutions


Reference Solutions is the premier source of business and residential information for reference and research. It is the number 1 source of information on businesses and people for small business owners, marketing professionals, researchers and job seekers. Reference Solutions helps users create marketing plans, conduct competitive analysis, raise funds and locate people.

Solutions Guide


Solutions Guide is a Central Indiana Resource Guide for Seniors, Persons with Disabilities and Family Caregivers by CICOA Aging and In-home Solutions. CICOA serves Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Marion, Morgan and Shelby counties. CICOA’s mission is to help older persons and those of any age with a disability to live with greatest possible independence, dignity and quality of life. The Basic Needs section of the guide includes programs that furnish survival level resources including food, housing, material goods, transportation and utilities for individuals with low or fixed incomes, people who are homeless, older adults and/or people with disabilities who are otherwise unable to adequately provide for themselves and their families. It also included related services that are available to the community at large. Other sections include: Consumer Services | Education & Enrichment | Environment & Public Health/Safety | Health Care | Income Support | Individual & Family Life | Legal Services | Mental Health & Substance Abuse | Organizational/Community Services | Target Populations/Other Resources | County Senior Corps | Caregiver Services.

The Mailbox


The Mailbox provides support to teachers with Learning® magazine and digital experiences, including a fully interactive digital edition of The Mailbox® magazine, TheMailbox.com resources, The Mailbox Gold planning tools, Lesson Plans on Demand, eBooks, ePackets, and eGift cards. All of The Mailbox products are produced with teachers’ needs in mind—from keeping the classroom creative to aligning to standards.



TumbleBooks are animated, talking picture books. With TumbleBooks, you can enjoy picture books, chapter books, and non-fiction books as well as videos from National Geographic, foreign language titles, and puzzles/games. If this link does not work on your mobile devices, please visit our Children’s Services Page and click directly on the Tumblebooks icon. Learn how to use this resource here.



USA Gov is the federal program that guides you to tips and tools in English and in Spanish from hundreds of government agencies, departments, and programs.

Voter Registration & Election Information


To register to vote in Indiana, check your voter registration status, learn about upcoming elections and ballot information, or to find your polling location, visit this online Voter Portal.



WorldCat.org is the world’s largest network of library content and services that lets you search the collections of libraries in your community and thousands more around the world. You can search for popular books, music CDs and videos—all of the physical items you’re used to getting from libraries. You can also discover many new kinds of digital content, such as downloadable audiobooks. You may also find article citations with links to their full text; authoritative research materials, such as documents and photos of local or historic significance; and digital versions of rare items that aren’t available to the public.